Quote Request

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Need a quote before you purchase your sports equipment?

We provide a quote service for schools, clubs, associations, promotional companies and individuals, so they can get the full cost of sports equipment before purchasing. It’s simple to use and we will have a quote emailed to you within 1 business day. Below is the guide on how to create a quote:


Option 1 – Browse and quote

By using the website, you can go to products and collections of products to have a look at what you want. Each product will have an “ADD TO QUOTE” button so you can easily add to your list of items you want. See how here:

1. Go to each product or collection and add the item you want by using the “ADD TO QUOTE” button

2. Once the products have been chosen, click on VIEW QUOTE or CREATE A QUOTE button.

3. Update the quantity of products if needed

4. Fill out name, email, phone & details and click on SUBMIT REQUEST

Once submitted, we will review the quote and send back an official PDF quote which will include shipping costs. This will be sent within 1 business day.

Sports ball guide on how to get a quote for your sports equipment on SUMMIT Sport website. Making it simple for schools and sports clubs to get quotes for sports gear.
simple version of guide on how to get a quote for your sports equipment on SUMMIT Sport website. Making it simple for schools and sports clubs to get quotes for sports gear.

Option 2 – The Quick Quote page

Here you can search for each product you like and add it to a quote list. It is quick, as long as you know what you want. This is how you do it:

1. Use the below QUICK QUOTE button below

2. On the Quick Quote page, use the Search Product area to type the product you are looking for. NOTE: it automatically shows about 20 products. When you type into this, it updates the products to fit what you are looking for.

3. Click on the product you want and it will be added to the list.

4. Update the Quantity you need

5. Repeat this until you have all the products you like.

6. If part way through want to start browsing as per Option 1, that is fine. The products you have already chosen will stay in your quote list.

Once submitted, we will review the quote and send back an official PDF quote which will include shipping costs. This will be sent within 1 business day.

guide on how to get a quote for your sports equipment on SUMMIT Sport website. Making it simple for schools and sports clubs to get quotes for sports gear.
Verticle guide on how to get a quote for your sports equipment on SUMMIT Sport website. Making it simple for schools and sports clubs to get quotes for sports gear.

Viewing a quote before sending:

You can view the quote either by clicking on the VIEW QUOTE on the side of website page.

Or coming to this page and clicking the QUICK QUOTE button