Football Design Competition - Winners announced

We are truly blown away by the entries from primary school students across the country for our 'Design a Football' Competition.
The creativity, imagination and effort the students put into their designs is evident as well as their passion for football.
With over 1,100 entries submitted, it was really difficult to narrow down to the final three winning entries. Thank you to everyone that entered, we hope the students enjoyed the activity and are proud of their designs.
Let's get right to it, shall we? From 3rd to 1st we have:
3rd Place: Wency Z - 11 Years Old
St Euphemia College

Wency Z from St Euphemia College has won a $200 Summit Sport voucher for her school. Congratulations Wency!
2nd Place: Jacqueline A - 11 Years Old
Arcadia Public School

Jacqueline A from Arcadia Public School has won a $300 Summit Sport voucher for her school. Well done Jacqueline!
1st Place: Sophie D - 10 Years Old
John Warby State School

Sophie D from John Warby Public School has won 50 footballs with the winning design for her school and Sophie will receive a signed Matildas jersey from Football Australia.
Congratulations Sophie! We were so impressed by your creativity.
Here are some more of our favourite entries which shows the breadth of creativity and support for #TeamAus.